

P4. Pass/Merit/ Distinction.

Due date 22/03/2021.  2 weeks

Authentication of work:

Students should aim to create a portfolio of work showcasing their work. Students must make sure the work they create is theirs and evidence that on their Blog any other sources or images must be referenced clearly. To provide website links and date of access.

Students are able to produce materials for an original UK-based print media product.

Learners produce a competent
double-page spread, along with
a competent front cover/page
for the original UK-based printed
media product planned for.
Images that are relevant to the
text are included

Learners demonstrate proficient
print production skills. The
double-page spread and front
cover/page produced is fit for
purpose, suitable for the needs of
the target reader and generally of
a good technical standard

Learners demonstrate effective
use of conventions that are
relevant to the format and
style of the planned UK printed
media product. The front
cover/page and double-page
spread produced is generally
of a high technical standard

Student will need to create a Cover Page and Double Page Spread.

Students will take their ideas from P3 and create their final magazine cover and double page spread. I recommend that you create your cover in Photoshop and then try to set the Double Page Spread in In Design or Word and bring them together. You can also use Illustrator to create fonts.


You might want to work in a group or pairs to help each other for the Photoshoots. If this is not necessary then individual tasks are also fine.

You will need:
  • One main image for the cover and minimum between 3- 4 different Images for the DPS. 
  • The Images must be your own.
  • You can book in the Photography studio if necessary to enable the use of college equipment, cameras and tripods.
  • When planning your photoshoot think about the camera shot: Long shot, close -up shot most suitable for issue and the house style.
  • If you are using natural settings for say sports shoots then please make sure it is clear that the images are yours. A contact sheet with dates and time will satisfy the authentication of your work.
  • Easiest way to showcase your photographs from your photoshoot is to create a contact sheet in  photoshop.
Production documents can be found on the Media Long Road web page.
You will need:
  • Production Schedule
  • Location Recce
  • Risk Assessment.
Contact Sam Gamble our Media Technician for studio bookings. Studio might not be available the week of 08/03/21 so please book for the following week.
Equipment Booking: use this link.

Main Article for the Double Page Spread.

The article must be 300 - 500 words on a topic that would be suitable for a double page spread. This is usually the main attraction of the magazine and should be a major selling point. The images created in your photoshoot should support your article.
The article can be an interview or a Q&A with a professional. Include the credits in the byline ( editor as your name).

Final Composite

You will be using your ideas generated in P3 to bring to completion in P4.

You will be using the Adobe suite to complete your creation. Photoshop and In Design are Industry standard.

I would recommend that you use;

  • Photoshop - For the cover magazine. You can also use it for the DPS. 
  • In Design - for the Double Page Spread.


The tutorial should help you when using the software however please adapt according to your final idea.

To set up your Adobe package on your home computer

  • 1)     Got to Adobe.com
  • 2)     Sign in using your college EMAIL ADDRESS and password.
  • 3)     Download the Adobe Creative Cloud Launcher
  • 4)     Using this, select which programs you want to install on your computer. Remember, programs such as After Effects and Premiere Pro are quite taxing, so it may be a little slow to install and boot up.
  • 5)     Remember to be patient. You are likely working with a computer with the minimum specifications for these pieces of software. They require a high spec to run properly. Just because something is running slow doesn’t mean it’s not working. Use the time effectively. Learn some breathing exercises, do some stretches. The software will generally tell you if it stops responding by either freezing up, or just crashing. 

The following Distance Learning Resources will also help. Also please contact the Media Technician for further help.

We will also be recording some Photoshop sessions during the lessons.


Also: how to create a magazine cover in photoshop (there is no dialogue)

List of  Photoshop YouTube tutorials 


InDesign in 9 minutes: Indesign. Video Here.

In Design for Beginners. This is a 2 hour tutorial. In Design

List of InDesign Tutorials on YouTube.

Remember to use your Magazine conventions (P3)when constructing your Pages.

and evidence all your work on your blog.


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