Marking Scheme

Dates and Schedule: U30 - UK Publishing.

Lockdown Adaptations January2021

Taken from the OCR adaptations for the course 

P4 / M2 Candidates can use resources they may have
at home (such as phones and tablets) and freely
available software and apps to complete this remotely
if necessary.
P5 / M3 Candidates can complete a remote
presentation using a platform such as Zoom or
Microsoft Teams if necessary. A recording of the
presentation could be presented as evidence of
recording feedback
If candidates are working in groups, in order to follow
public health restrictions they could complete this as
part of a class bubble, or with members of a family
unit. Candidates could produce their media product
D2 To meet the distinction criteria work needs to be
of a high technical standard which may not always
be possible if working from home. In this case the
candidate should present their ideas to their tutor
as part of a Q and A discussion of how they would
improve technical standards.



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