

P3 - Pass, Merit, Distinction Criteria. 

Due Date is 01/03/2021 (Week after half-term)

Authentication of work:

Students should aim to create a portfolio of work showcasing their work. Students must make sure the work they create is theirs and evidence that on their Blog any other sources or images must be referenced clearly. To provide website links and date of access.

Learners Plan Their Own Original UK-based print Media Product.

In their Plan they must include the following;

a) Ideas showing research and generation of ideas.

b) Research into similar existing products.

c) Proposal outlining the chosen idea and target readership

d) Pre-production material

e) Production plan with budget and launch date

f) Legal/Ethical issues.

 First choose a Magazine Genre

Choose from the following;
          • Sports
          • Home and Design
          • Women/Men

Then for each criteria (a) to (f) you can use the following;

a) For Ideas showing research and generation of ideas. 

These will be the initial seeds of your idea while you also learn about conventions and developing your idea.

You should create a structure sheet of your Front Cover and Double Page Spread (DPS). Using magazine conventions, clearly mark where your Image, Masthead, Coverlines, price and barcode  etc, will be.

On a creative note also consider for the DPS, dropcaps and any other page elements.

Use this PPt for ideas. Magazine Development

b) Research into similar existing products. 

Use the following PPT  to build up your research. This is a document showing existing products to help you build up a portfolio.  Pre-Production Moodboard.

Once you have decided on the look and house style you should compile a document which shows primary and secondary research.

Students are to use; 

Primary Research - focus group, questionnaires which will support their ideas. For example if you are generating a fashion magazine for female students of age group 18-24. You will demonstrate that you have used Primary Research i.e questionnaires sent out to that particular focus group to understand their interests which will feed into your ideas. 

Task/ Create a questionnaire and ask your target audience, minimum of 5 questions on special interest topics. This should help you decide on the kind of articles they would like to read. This will then allow you to narrow down what your article could be about.

Secondary Research - Using pre-existing data and any research around target audience use that to further support your choice. 

Task/ Choose a product that is similar to yours and look at their social media pages and feedback. This usually gives insight into what has been successful. Already existing products give you an idea for gaps in the market. This should then be used for generating your ideas.

You can use Google Forms for your survey and feedback.

Tips/ Read this article for Designing a High Impact Magazine.

c) Proposal outlining the chosen idea and target readership.

For your proposal you can identify your interest by writing about the following;

  •  How will you target your intended audience? (Primary and Secondary audience)

  • How will your production conform to its house style? 

  • How and why will you construct representations of individuals, groups and issues/events. 

  • Target audience spending power.

d) Pre-production material. 

Here you should specify the materials and tools you are using e.g the paper weight and type Gloss/Matt. Off set printing.

You should state clearly ;

  • FORMAT(size and page numbers)


  • HOUSE STYLE(Mainstream/Pop/Alternative)

Before developing layout and articles

e) Production plan with budget and launch date. Use Google Sheets or Media Long Road production documents. Using Industry standards. 

  • Price for one copy and then number of copies to be printed.
  • Number of pages per magazine can be anything between 32-212 pages.
  • Final Cost of a magazine. Don't forget to consider cost of the photographer, editorial of the article and advertising.
You can use this website for quotes depending on size and paper. Magazine printing.

Summary of what you need. Magaz Planning.

f) Legal/Ethical issues. Students must make sure they are not using offensive language or images which include sexual images of underage representation of children.

Write a little description on the regulatory body and specify if it effects your content;

  • Press Complaints Commission.
  • Copyrights (c)
  • IPSO
  • ASA 

Marking Criteria





Learners plan their own original UK-based print media product, including:

a) ideas research and generation

b) research into similar existing products

c) proposal outlining the chosen idea and target readership

d) pre-production materials

e) production plan with budget and launch date

f ) legal/ethical issues


Learners provide a detailed proposal and production plan. The chosen idea is relevant and appropriate to the needs of the target readership. The launch date and budget are realistic.

Learners create their own housestyle that sets out chosen fonts, colours and layout for their planned UK printed media product.


Learners explain relevant legal and ethical constraints and describe how the regulatory bodies’ codes of conduct and regulations affect their UK printed media product.

Learners justify how their housestyle choices will enhance their UK printed media product


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