

P1 - Pass criteria. 1 week  

Due in 01 February 2021

Authentication of work:

Students should aim to create a portfolio of work showcasing their work. Students must make sure the work they create is theirs and evidence that on their Blog any other sources or images must be referenced clearly. To provide website links and date of access.

Create a Blog labelled Unit 30 - UK Media Publishing  with P1 - P6 and link it to their Media Hub for marking and to be made accessible.

Delivery of your work

Suggested reference work can include;

  • company websites
  • published information
  • business libraries
  • trade magazines
  • written reports
  • diagrams and graphs
  • Wall chart diagrams of production processes

The aim of P1 is so that students have an insight to the publishing Industry: Books, newspapers and magazines. You are asked to use the case study provided.

P1 Learners research a UK-based

media publishing company.

They produce a case study that

includes information about the


a) production process of a newspaper. Looking at stages. You can use Wiki newspaper processes.

outline the following processes; Pre-press, press, post-press stages. Introduce NewsCorp(CaseStudy)

b) products - what do they create? newspapers, magazine inserts and advertising pamphlet.

c) readership - target audience: Demographics, Psychographics,

d) marketing/promotion - how do they advertise the newspaper?

e) advertisers - who advertises with the newspaper? e.g Waitrose, John Lewis, etc and what does it tell you about the readership. Cost of advertising in the paper.

f ) distribution - how does the newspaper reach the customers? print and digital. Circulation numbers.

Your Case Study is :  News Corporation . You can use The Times as their product.

News Corporation publishes The Times/The Sun/Wireless.

Students can visit the website and from it write up about the criteria (a)- (f).

Other sources include:

The British Newspaper Archive.

You should also buy a copy of the daily paper/The Sunday Times and investigate the paper and it's advertising content. You might have one lying around.

By looking at how the company is set up and it's production processes student will give an insight into the publishing industry.

Students should focus on Magazine /Newspaper processes, in particular but not only, in addition to other formats like books and journals.


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