

P2 - Pass Criteria. 

Due date  08th February 2021

Authentication of work:

Students should aim to create a portfolio of work showcasing their work. Students must make sure the work they create is theirs and evidence that on their Blog any other sources or images must be referenced clearly. To provide website links and date of access.

P2 Learners analyse an existing UK based

newspaper and an existing

UK-based magazine, including:

a) front cover/page

b) double page spread

including a feature article

c) advertisement

d) genre

e) content

f ) style

g) target readership

Recommendations include. Choose one from the list below;

1. Newspaper;

  • The Time Newspaper.
  • The Daily Mirror
  • The Gurdian

2. Magazines: 

  • New Scientist.
  • The Empire
  • Mojo
  • The Lady

A) Analysing the Front Cover:

To analyse the newspaper/magazine must use denotation and connotation to analyse their product. 

Look at magazine/newspaper conventions;

These should include; 

  1. Masthead (title)
  2. Selling lines
  3. Coverlines
  4. Strapline / slogans
  5. Price/barcode
  6. Cover image/model/celebrity

Some of these include;
  1. Mast-head: The title of the newspaper.
  2. Splash: The lead story.
  3. Standfirst: An introductory paragraph in an article, printed in larger or bolder type or in capitals, which summarises the article.
  4. Off lead: Second most important story.
  5. Byline: A line naming the writer of an article.
  6. the image
  7. Pull quote.

 1. Watch this video on Semiotics  

2. Article on Semiotics

3. Connotation and Denotation.

In media-studies terminology,denotation is the first level of analysis: What the audience can visually see on a page. Denotation often refers to something literal, and avoids being a metaphor. Here it is usually coupled with connotation, which is the second level of analysis, being what the denotation represents.

B) Double page spread will require you to look at;

  • the page layout.
  • symmetry/balance
  • colour palette
  • House style
  • One article

 C) Advertisements 

Take one example of an advertisement in the newspaper/Magazine. Then you need to look at the topic and the product and how it appeals to the target audience. Think about demographics (A,B, C1,C2, D,E) and Target Audience: Gender/age/ethnicity.

D) Genre 

Discuss the genre of the magazine and in the case of newspapers. You need to decide on whether it's Broadsheet/Tabloid/Middle market newspaper.

E) Content

Summarise the different article and what they are about e.g fashion/politics/money/ current affairs. The mode of address and the language used (formal vs informal).

F) Style

Look at house style. Is it for mainstream readers, more niche audience. Is it glossy verses low budget independent press.


Vogue uses the classical Didone font, modified. It has a classical look and is easily recognised.

Garamond is a great font for magazines, textbooks, websites and long bodies of text and was recently named the second best font (after Helvetica) by a German publication.

Time magazine uses the iconic red boarder and Discovery the Yellow box.

G) Target Readership

Write about the target readership which is essentially target audience (Demographics, Psychographics and Geographic). In the case of Newspapers you need to also indicate political leaning of the newspaper. e.g The Time is a centre right paper which supports Conservative ideology.


1. Lets look at an example of the kind of research you should be carrying out: Tatler

2. To get an insight into the production of a Magazine click on 'Producing a Magazine' with hyperlink.

Clickview: To view this video you will need to login with your Long Road Account details.

Producing a Magazine: ICT in the real world.

This video, very carefully, goes through the production of a Magazine, talking to Editor and Artists.


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